Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I began scanning old drawings and other pieces of artwork I've done in the past. Here's an old colored pencil drawing I did back in 1998. Hope you like. :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

"My drink is totally gone" - Music video

:::: Jack Lane :::: was kind enough to produce a video for my song "My drink is totally gone". The song "My drink is totally gone" on my new album "Mystic Valley Parkway" is available for free mp3/flac download at Distance Recorings

:::Specta Ciera / My Drink Is Totally Gone:::

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Specta Ciera - "Mystic Valley Parkway"

I am proud to announce the release of my first solo album under the name Specta Ciera. My favorite new label Distance recently started putting out amazing material after their launch earlier this year. The releases were beyond beautiful and I wanted to submit something special that I had been working on specifically for their label. the result is my new album "Mystic Valley Parkway".

Direct link to release page:

"Mystic Valley Parkway" is available now as a free download at the Distance Recordings website in both mp3 and FLAC formats. please be sure to check out all the other artists that are on there as well.

I hope you enjoy this album and have a happy Halloween everyone.

take care,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New album coming in October 2008

My new album will be released on in October 2008. Stay tuned for more info. ; )

Went for a hike the other day and got this photo while standing on a footbridge.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Long Exposures

Having fun with long exposure.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The wind picks up....

Plenty of rain last night and today. This evening as the rain tapered off, some of the clouds broke apart just as the sun was setting. The light and color was beautiful. I managed to snap a few photos before the clouds covered the sun again.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

New photos using Canon PowerShot A460

Went out for a hike with friends and manged to get a few photos with my smaller camera. It was a beautiful day outside with the hot sun and cool breeze.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hail Storm

Been procrastinating on taking new photos recently. I took this right before a hail storm started this afternoon. The camera and I just barely avoided being pelted with ice.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Space Station Deluxe

I have self released my first ep under the name Specta Ciera for free on my website. It is called "Space Station Deluxe" and is mostly electronica, but has some other experimental parts mixed in as well. 6 songs in mp3 format. all songs were produced winter 2007/2008 except for the last song which was made around 2004.
